I've been the unpopular opinion on most subject matters for
so long now, I feel like it’s my civic duty to be the foil arsehole. I
don't like Stephen King, I liked Dark Souls 2, and Shawshank Redemption is overrated. See what I mean?
Now, there's going to be a lot of talk about the plots for
both Prometheus and Alien: Covenant in this, so consider
yourself warned. If you don't like it, call 020 7033 1500 and
tell them all about how “you can't even”.
The reason I'm talking about both films is because, as you'll
soon see, it’s impossible to talk about one without the other. They're forever
stuck together like those two guys in The
Thing, or that guy everyone knows who finally got himself a girlfriend, and
now she won't fuck off.
Ridley Scott's
Prometheus (2012) is one of the best things that could have happened to the
beloved Alien franchise. There, I said it. I say 'beloved', but the reality is
that people have been hating on it since Ripley woke up in 1992 and became a
slaphead. So what people really mean when they say “I love Alien” is 'I love Alien, and Aliens, and all the cool kids bash 3 and Resurrection, so
I'll do it too'.
Before you tar me with the fanboy brush, Prometheus isn't
perfect. Far from it. The film about the world's worst scientists dying as a
result of their own rash decisions certainly has its flaws, but here's why it’s
still the best thing to happen: it expands the lore, and takes the franchise in
a new direction.
By Alien 3 (1992) people were turning on it. By Alien:
Resurrection (1997) people had had enough. The Xenomorph was now just another
slasher and the cycle of 'Ripley wakes up, Ripley fights alien/s, Ripley
retires for the evening' was stagnant. I still like those films (yes, 3 and
Resurrection. Again, see: unpopular opinion), but I wanted more. The derelict
scene in the original Alien (1979) asked so many hair-raising questions about
our place in the universe, but it never went anywhere beyond that. I'm glad
they finally decided to tackle it.
So, quick synopsis. In Prometheus, set many decades before
Parker ever wanted to discuss the bonus situation, scientists Shaw (played by Noomi Rapace) and Holloway (Logan Marshall-Green) travel to a far
off planetoid following a starmap they found in lots of ancient tribes'
drawings. Accompanying them is the synthetic, David, played by Michael Fassbender, and a whole plethora
of others characters with a life-expectancy just shorter than the film's
They aim to find out who these gangly aliens are, and if they
created they human race. We already pretty much know they did, because the
opening scene shows one of them on Earth being broken down on an atomic scale
and reconstructed into DNA. Remember in the derelict in Alien, they find that
massive fossilised corpse? It’s those guys. The Space Jockey, or Engineer as
Shaw calls them.
Over the course of the film they discover that the Engineers are in fact the progenitors of the Human Race, but also, they tried to destroy us for reasons unknown. They also discover some vials of black liquid housed in vases. Now, this stuff is important. Remember the black liquid, because I will be talking about it later.
Some people die, only David and Shaw survive and they jet off in one of the Engineer ships (because David sussed it out, being a robot genius) to the Engineer's homeworld. Shaw wants answers. She's met her maker, and she's resolute in finding out why they made us if only to change their minds? It’s a fair question to a rash decision. One my parents wished they could have made, and one I was looking forward to finding the answer to.
Is Prometheus perfect? Hell no. Are the scientists all
completely thick? Yes. Granted, they're more out of their depth than any other
scientist in the history of mankind has ever been, but they do make some very
questionable decisions that even I, who am not a scientist - despite having
read Bill Bryson's A Short History of Nearly Everything -
could call bullshit on.
Breathing in the air on an unknown planet for one: sure, it’s breathable, your scan said so, but what about bacteria? Bacteria that you won't have an immune system for, you daft prick? Reaching out to touch an alien worm/snake? That guy deserved to have it break his arm, slither inside his suit, and give him the Linda Lovelace treatment.
Breathing in the air on an unknown planet for one: sure, it’s breathable, your scan said so, but what about bacteria? Bacteria that you won't have an immune system for, you daft prick? Reaching out to touch an alien worm/snake? That guy deserved to have it break his arm, slither inside his suit, and give him the Linda Lovelace treatment.
But David... David is the star of the film. He's a walking,
talking subtext. He's a synthetic, created by man. While they're on a journey
to meet their makers, he's already met his, and you can tell from his
countenance that he's thoroughly disappointed. He doesn't ever say it, so it’s
easy to overlook, but the truth is in the subtleties. One of Ridley Scott's
talents is showing the subtext through subtle gestures and fleeting lines of
dialogue, never telling you outright, but giving you enough to reach the
conclusion yourself. Here's a bit of dialogue between David and Holloway:
HOLLOWAY: What we hoped to achieve was to meet out makers, to get answers, why they even made us in the first place.
DAVID: Why do you think your people made me?
HOLLOWAY: We made you 'cause we could.
DAVID: Can you imagine how disappointing it would be for you to hear the same thing from your creator?
And there it is. David is disappointed with his creators. He
was built to be smarter, stronger, and better than us in every way, but here he
is on this ship, serving us and taking shit from us. Why should he? Later on he's asked what he'll do when
Weyland, his creator, dies. He supposes that he'll be free...
After that pep-talk with Holloway, David runs an experiment
on him with the black liquid which causes Holloway to physically break down. Holloway
dies, but it shows David what the black stuff does, so the experiment was a
success. David is unconstrained by the morals that govern humans, because he is
outside of them. He has no love for humanity, because he can't feel it,
especially for Holloway as he spends the entire film being a dick to him, so
David uses him to his own end and turns him into a human Black Snake firework. Crew
If you watch Prometheus as David's story, as a superior being
helping lesser ones find their creators while hypocritically not caring one
iota about their own, it makes for a very interesting film, from a character
development point of view.
In case you're wondering, do I believe in this Chariots of the Gods stuff? Jesus Christ,
no. But do I think it’s a good premise for a sci-fi horror film? Yes.
So that's Prometheus.
Cut to 10 years into the future in Alien: Covenant, and I guess the Earth is fucked, because we're off on a terraforming mission, yay! And I thought my school trip to an air raid shelter was claustrophobic.
Cut to 10 years into the future in Alien: Covenant, and I guess the Earth is fucked, because we're off on a terraforming mission, yay! And I thought my school trip to an air raid shelter was claustrophobic.
The Covenant ship is carrying several thousand people in
cryo, several hundred more embryos, a crew made up of couples, and one
Fassbender robot, Walter, who aside from his half-American accent, is quite different
from his counterpart. They're off to a far off planet to start a new life for
If you were hoping to see some witty banter between James Franco and Danny McBride, you'll be mistaken, because right off the bat,
Franco is incinerated. I don't think I even saw his face, but if you ask me,
this is a blessing. When he's not making a hatchet job of self-mutilation, he's
making a hatchet job of being funny. In fact, McBride plays it straight in this
film. He's sort of like the Parker of this one. Unless you count his moronic
decision to jeopardise everyone on the ship for his very dead wife.
They receive a signal from a much closer planet with an
Earth-like atmosphere and decide to check it out, because McBride listens to
some white noise and claims it’s a John
Denver song. I'm serious. The planet
they land on is the same one Shaw and David set course for at the end of
Prometheus. Not long after getting there
they realise that the planet is deserted, and two of them become infected with
black spores similar to the black liquid. They both die horribly when an albino
alien (the Neomorph as they call it) bursts out of them and goes on a mad
rampage. To be fair, I'd be pissed too if I was alone on a planet with these
They're saved by David who takes them back to his sanctum in
a stone building surrounded by thousands of blackened humanoid corpses. Here comes the first kick in the nuts Alien:
Covenant has to offer: Elizabeth Shaw is dead. David tells the Covenant crew
she died in the crash, but we all know that's bullshit.
David and Walter share a private conversation where they
discuss the nature of their own being.
Walter, unlike David, is created to serve, and prohibited from becoming
anything higher than that, whereas David, in the opening scene of the film,
sussed out that his creators aren't worthy of the title, because they are
imperfect douche bags who grow old and die: Something David will never do. David tries to convince Walter to be like
him, but by the end of the scene realises that it's as futile as trying to
persuade a Britain First member that
there's more to life than polo shirts and carp fishing. Walter is, and will always be, a willing
slave to Human morality.
It’s around this time that the Neomorph breaks in and kills
some more of the crew who aren't characterised enough to give a shit about.
Walter susses out that those blackened corpses out there and
the plants that caused the black spores are a result of David carpet-bombing
the planet with the black liquid the Engineer ship was carrying. They are all dead thanks to him. Herein lies
the second kick in the nuts: Any notion
of finding out why the Engineers created the Human race, then decided to
destroy them, is gone. Shaw is dead, and David didn't care to find out the
answer to her questions. In fact, David killed her. He experimented on her. Possibly
the biggest question the franchise has asked will likely never be answered now.
Shortly after that, one of the Covenant crew gets lippy with
David, so he decides to show the man what he's been up to for the last 10 years
of solitude. He's been doing a bit of the ol' gene splicing. Using the black liquid, which he explains
reconstitutes DNA, he's been cross-breeding the local flora and fauna
together. He created the black plants,
and he's also been diddling with the Neomorph and Shaw's ovaries, twisting them
and reshaping them into 'the perfect organism'. Hmm, I wonder what that could
Just to make this clear, this is not the same breed of alien
as seen in Alien and Aliens. It’s a guided evolution of the Neomorph, a
'Protomorph' as Ridley Scott called it, and it’s his film at the end of the
day, so what he says goes. It’s not as biomechanical-looking, and it behaves
more like the Neomorph: fast and chaotic, whereas the Xenomorph is more of a
stalker. You just have to look at the egg: it’s not the same shape as the ones
Kane found. The ones on LV-426 have a
rounded top whereas David's creation has a yonic, puckered lip at the top. Reading that back, it sounds disgusting.
This actually goes a long way to support the 'Xenomorph is an
engineered weapon' theory. Their lifecycle is so malleable, more so than any
real animal, that the Engineers could have engineered them to adapt and
assimilate any world they deploy them on. There's nothing to say they didn't. Anyway, the alien hatches, a few more glorified extras die,
and the ones left run back to the ship.
They kill the Protomorph, but another one hatches out of a guy I don't
ever remember seeing get impregnated.
In between all this, we have a very unexpected scene. Walter
and David have a fight. Now, I understand the motivations for them fighting,
but it’s so over-choreographed. You know
how, despite space and aliens, the films are generally grounded in
reality? The characters feel real, their
motivations and fears all make sense? Well this fight is like something from a
kung-fu film. There's loads of spinning
around and nonsense. Why would they fight like that? Normal blows wouldn't do any damage, so
wouldn't the aim be to dismember/deactivate each other? Just rip each other's head off...
So now we have an alien loose on a very claustrophobic ship,
but do you know what? It’s over sooner
than it's taken you to get this far into this review. In a lazy retread, they
flush the alien out into space and that's it. There is a bit of a plot twist in
the very last scene, but going to save that one, because you'll have probably
already sussed it out about half an hour prior in the film.
All in all, Alien: Covenant is a bad film. A huge missed
opportunity. It’s rushed, it’s a mishmash of Prometheus' themes and
shoe-horning the alien back into the franchise, and it’s a huge insult that
they take every open end of Prometheus and just flush them straight out the
airlock. I saw this film on 11th May 2017 and I'm still mad about
it. I don't care what date you're reading this on, I'm still mad. Even if it's
a century after I'm dead, I'm still mad.
Prometheus asked some lofty questions, and Covenant was too
lazy to answer them. I want to know more about the Engineers. I want to know
why the Engineers tried to destroy humanity. This set of prequel films should
be about the Engineers. We already have 4 films about the Xenomorph. Sure, by
all means, explain where they come from, but the entire first film was about
the Engineers, and to just dash all that away like Holloway's body is an
insult. The Engineers could potentially have been a larger threat to humanity,
because they're smarter than us, whereas the Xenomorph will only really bother
you if you're in its vicinity.
But Covenant's issues stem a lot deeper than the absence of
Any and all scenes with the adult Protomorph alien feel
incredibly tacked-on. It was only there to fulfil a mandate and justify calling
the film Alien. They all but copied
scenes from the original and they did it much quicker. There's no suspense, and
because I don't care about the characters, there's no threat. David is a threat,
because he's unpredictable. The alien isn't. And, oh my god, shortly after
escaping this nightmare situation where all your friends die, two people decide
to have sex in the shower. I'd understand if it was a nervous, post-traumatic, cathartic,
and full of tears type of sex, but it isn't. It’s shot like a soft-porn. And
guess what? They die, but you could see
that coming a mile off.
The only reason to watch Covenant is for David. Like in Prometheus he was the most
interesting character, in Covenant he's the only interesting character. His
motivations are the same as before and now that Weyland is dead, he is free. Completely
free from moral constraints. That is why he has no qualms about taking human
life. In fact in one scene, he prefers the Neomorph to a human. To paraphrase Ash: he admires its purity. In
his eyes the moral question is a drawback, so he created something that does
not have it. At the same time though, he talks like he is genuinely sad for
what he did to Shaw, because she was the only Human ever to be nice to him, so
in a way he is not entirely free from morality.
There is one a scene in Covenant which I genuinely loved. Where
Walter and David talk and Walter corrects David on something. This is one of those subtle moments that
Ridley Scott does so well. It’s a simple
correction: Who wrote a famous poem. David is wrong. This hints that David is
not perfect. He is fallible, and not as superior as he thinks he is. And if he
can be wrong about this, what else could he be wrong about?
Aside from David though, there isn't much else there. The
human characters are all interchangeable and stock. In one scene, two
characters die and it’s their own fault.
They both slip on the same pool of blood, one after the other. I felt
like I was watching a Hanna-Barbera
Even Daniels (Katherine
Waterson), who is supposed to be the main character, falls pretty flat. It’s
obvious from the promotional material that they wanted a new strong female
lead, but why when they already had one in Elizabeth Shaw? They gave Miss Waterson's hair a trim that
looks like a backwards toupee, shoved her into a grey tank-top, gave her a gun
and a nipple-on for the posters to make her look more Ripley-like. I'm not
going to say something stupid like 'Daniels is the new Ripley' just because
they've both survived an alien encounter and have a vagina. That sounds silly
and is such a forced comparison.
When people spread that rumour that 'oh, Katherine Waterson's
character must be Ripley's mum, because its set before, she works on a
spaceship, and they both met the alien', do you know how stupid that made them
sound? Such a tenuous link... That's like saying Humphrey Bogart is my dad, just because he's older than me and we
both have an interest in film noir. It’s stupid. If you believed it, you're
stupid. Can't two people of the same sex do the same job, encounter a similar
danger and be completely unrelated anymore?
I blame Disney for booming this 'expanded universe' shit. Now everything
has to be part of everything else. Pretty soon they'll say Max Payne was in the Cantina in Star Wars back in '77, mark my fucking words.
I never thought I'd say this one, but even the score
suffers. Every Alien film has had its
own unique score. They all create a different mood for each film. Alien 3 has
one of the most moving scores I've heard in a film (see: Adagio), but
Covenant's is just a rehash of the original's. It starts with the same music,
and takes cues from it later on in the film too. It’s cheap and afraid to
deviate from the path: a sentiment that sums Covenant up.
The whole film reeks of studio interference. Clearly they
were trying to erase any hint of Prometheus because of the way it got slated. I
respect Ridley Scott. He brings a certain level of quality that most other
filmmakers just can't do. While you could argue that the original Alien is just
a slasher film in space, he imbued it with a quality which put it above your
run-of-the-mill killer vs victims affair. Here we got a sub-par, lazy film and
you know what? We've only got ourselves to blame, and I'll tell you for why:
Prometheus got, and still gets slated. People tore into it because it's
different, because it’s got no Xenomorphs in it. That's why it's not called
People complain when things are different, signifying that
they only want the same thing rehashed, but bitch again when they get that
rehash. If that carries on, eventually they'll end up turning the Alien
franchise into the Friday the 13th
series, with the same plot becoming more diluted over, and over, and over, and
over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and
over again. And yes, that's one 'and over' for every Friday the 13th
film including the remake and the cross-over.
You want the first Alien again? Well here it is. You got it,
now swallow it down and tell 20th Century Fox how good it tastes. And
guess what, you'll get it again too in a few years when they grind out Alien: Awakening.
What is so wrong about wanting something different? I love the Alien franchise. I look at them
all fondly. None of them are perfect, but they all have their own unique charm.
It’s easily one of the most nihilistic set of films I've ever seen. Ignoring
Prometheus & Covenant for a moment, look at it like this: At one point
there was all this life in the universe, but by the time we go out there to
find it, it’s all gone. Dead. All that remains is the fossils of that life and
terrors it left behind. We're all alone in this great big universe, and nobody
and nothing is coming to save us from the monsters they created. We are doomed
to search in vain, only to find death.
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